Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I'm looking for someone to REDESIGN PARDYMAMA!  

As you may have noticed, there are some items on my blog that are LONG overdue for a revamp.  For one, I obviously no longer live in Southern California!  And I've kept this task on the back burner long enough.

Here's the catch (and I realize it's sorta/kinda a biggie):  I can't pay you in actual, American, green-dollar-monies.  I'm very sorry I can't hand you a blank check and say "Go to town!  Have fun!  Spare no expense!"

But, as a floundering wife/mother/writer/student, my resources are quite limited.  (Though, if you are local, I can add baked goods to the list of compensations offered!)

THE DEAL:  Hone your designing skillz on PARDYMAMA, and in return you can earn:

1. A permanent logo on the PARDYMAMA homepage that YOU DESIGN!
2. An entire BLOG devoted to your skillz/business/service
3. A huge social media SHOUT OUT via @pardymama
4. A letter of recommendation from Yours Truly
5. My total loyalty in exclusively and personally recommending you to my many other creative friends/family/neighbors/acquaintances that may be needing your expertise in the future!
If YOU are interested, PLEASE email me at emily@pardymama.com so we can get crackin'!
If you know SOMEONE who might be interested, PLEASE let them know about this opportunity!

I don't care if you've been designing for years or if you are a high schooler who is ready to start a portfolio of your own...ALL emails will be read and considered!

C'mon!  This is gonna be a BLAST!  :)

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